Never yours to fix

I did it again.
I didn't mean to, or maybe I did
But that's not really important 

I looked at you straight in the eyes and lied
I didn't mean to, but I'm tired of your disappointment 

I don't think you are disappointed in me
More like you feel like you failed
But I was never yours to fix in the first place

I don't need you to correct me
I just wish you'd understand 
That at times it's not easy, and I need to cope

I felt lonely today, lonelier than I've felt in a while
But I couldn't burden you that way I'd rather you be happy
Instead, you see me and think, I've done my best, and it shows

So when you do find out
When you turn your head and I see the glimpse of disappointment in your eyes

I'll remember why I did it the first time around.


Hall Of Fame